Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Business Administration



Committee Chair

George Deitz

Committee Member

Ernie Nichols

Committee Member

Glenn Richey

Committee Member

Dan Sherrell


Marketing and MIS literature have examined the relationship between technology adoption in firms and resulting firm performance with mixed results. Many examinations have been in intra-organizational contexts, but as inter-organizational interactions such as the supply chain play an increasingly important role in competitive advantage development and in firm performance, more work is needed to better understand the relationships between firm strategy, firm capabilities, and technology performance within a supply-chain context. This research seeks to provide additional understanding by investigating the antecedents and outcomes of firm technology response capability within the context of supply chain technology adoption decisions. This capability, which is a firm's willingness and ability to respond to new technologies, is an important factor in firm behavior with respect to innovation adoption. In the present study, a multi-dimensional, behavioral operationalization of technology response capability is offered, along with a conceptual model of the relationships between strategic orientation, antecedents of technology response capability, and performance outcomes. Both quantitative and qualitative data were used in this study. A quantitative test of the hypothesized relationships was conducted using survey methodology, and qualitative interviews were used to explore the concept of technology response capability and provide support for the conceptual model relationships. This research will add to marketing strategy knowledge by providing insight on factors that influence technology response capability development and by providing insight on how the capability impacts performance of the firm.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
