Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Instr and Curr Leadership

Committee Chair

Renee Murley

Committee Member

Duane Giannangelo

Committee Member

Deborah Watlington

Committee Member

Annette Cornelius


As school leaders intensify the focus on student-involvement in educational practices, student-led conferencing offers a viable alternative to traditional parent-teacher conferencing formats. This study examined the effects on student achievement as reported by universal screening scores along with the changes in perceptions of students, parents, and teachers regarding the initial implementation of student-led conferencing in a rural elementary school with third-grade reading students. The quantitative results offer additional data to the field of educational research which comprises limited evidence of this exploratory combination. The research questions addressed in this study include:Regarding universal screening scores for third-grade students in reading, is there a statistically significant difference between universal screening scores from Spring 2014, Fall 2014, and Winter 2014 for students participating in student-led conferences (SLC) compared to nonparticipating students (NonSLC)?Regarding student and parent surveys concerning student-led conferencing, is there a statistically significant difference between the students’ perceptions of student-led conferencing compared to the parents’ perceptions of student-led conferencing?Regarding teacher surveys concerning trust in parental involvement, is there a statistically significant difference between teachers’ perceptions of confidence in parent involvement before the implementation of student-led conferences compared to perceptions after the student-led conferences? A Repeated-Measures ANOVA was conducted to determine significant differences in screening score results. Statistical significance in scores was demonstrated between the first academic screening and the final academic screening resulting in positive mean increases. The perceptions of students and parents concerning student-led conferences were analyzed with a Mann-Whitney non-parametric test showing consistently positive results. The results of a Mann-Whitney test that analyzed perceptions of teachers regarding their confidence in parental involvement using pre- and post-survey items indicated no significant differences. The implications of this study give school leaders a foundation for successful student-led conferencing implementation that impacts student achievement and promotes stakeholder involvement.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
