Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Instr and Curr Leadership
Instruction and Curriculum
Committee Chair
Deborah Lowther
Committee Member
Michelle Stockton
Committee Member
Louis Franceschini
Committee Member
Mary Ransdell
The purpose of this study was to utilize a quantitative survey methodology, which explored the characteristicsof locus of control and health locus of control between a rural Tennessee population and an urban Tennessee population using scores from Rotter's Internal-External Locus of Control Scale (LOC) and the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale (HLOC). The results of this study help bridge the gap in the limited studies available that use LOC and HLOC to explore the differences between the two populations. Demographic information on the survey (age, gender, race, annual household income, size of household, level of education, spirituality) and the scores from the LOC and the HLOC were investigated to find the predictors of locus of control and health locus of control for the samples. A total of 156 people completed the voluntary survey, 79 reported rural residence and 77 reported urban residence. results showed a relationship between locus of control scores and health locus of control scores, r = -0.258, p < 0.01. The rural group did not score significantly different than the urban group on helth locus of control. For the entire population, gender (p = .010) and spirituality (p = .006) were the only significant predictors of HLOC. For the rural participants, race (p = .004), income (p = .014), and level of education (p = .032) were significant predictors of HLOC. For the urban population gender was the only significant predictor of HLOC (p = .013). The rural population did not have any common predictors for locus of controland health locus of control. The urban population did have gender as a common predictor for locus of control and helath locus of control. The current study did not show the strong differences that were expected between these two populations. General LOC scores and HLOC scores were similar reguardless of geographic differences. However, through an analysis of possible factors that could contribute to LOC and HLOC scores this study gives insight into the specific needs of the different populations so that interventions may be taylored to the specific needs of the people.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Zimmerman, Mark T., "Examination of Locus of Control, Health Locus of Control and Their Key Predictors in Urban vs. Rural Populations" (2010). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 147.
Data is provided by the student.