Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Leadership and Policy Studies
Educational Leadership
Committee Chair
Charisse Gulosino
Committee Member
Reginald Green
Committee Member
Donald Hopper
This study examined the longitudinal performance of a district-wide cohort of students who had accumulated scores for both kindergarten and third grade analysis. The sample was disaggregated by Pre-kindergarten participation and student demographics such as gender, age, minority status, rural class, and socio-economic status. STAREarly Literacy, STARReading, and STARMath assessment scores were used for the data analysis. Sample data was collected from the beginning of kindergarten and at the end of third grade.Two types of analysis were conducted to complete the study. This study investigated the analysis of student performance measures based on participation in a Pre-kIndergarten program as well as the possible relationships and impact between those scores using the average treatment effect model. The results demonstrate that in a t-test analysis there was no significant effect on kindergarten scores or third grade reading. However, there was significant impact on third grade math. Once the average treatment effect was applied, there was a significant effect in third grade reading measures - both in student performance scores and domain level scores, but no major impact in math.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Smith, Christy DeBerry, "An Evaluation of Voluntary Pre-kindergarten (VPK) Participation on Third Grade Reading and Math Performance in a Rural School System" (2016). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1544.
Data is provided by the student.