Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
General Psychology
Committee Chair
Robert Cohen
Committee Member
Randy D Floyd
Committee Member
Xu Jiang
The use of cyber aggression is prevalent and increasing among children, and it is important to consider factors that may influence children's decisions to engage in cyber aggression. Little research has examined the relation between children's attitudes about the acceptability of the use of aggression to children's engagement in cyber aggression. This is the focus of the present research, controlling for children's use of traditional face-to-face aggression. Hierarchical linear regression analyses were computed separately for boys and girls in grades three through five (N = 201), with grade level (Block 1), traditional relational and overt aggression classroom nominations (Block 2), and attitudes about the acceptability of aggression (Block 3) examined as predictors of cyber aggression. Findings revealed that attitudes about aggression predicted cyber aggression above and beyond any effect attributable to grade level and traditional aggression, only for girls. Implications for the current study and the value of examining factors that relate to cyber aggression are discussed as well as consideration for gender differences in these relations. In addition, discussion included how these results emphasize the importance of socialization as it relates to the acceptability of the use of cyber aggression for school-aged boys and girls.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Topps, Allyson Kelsey, "Attitudes About the Acceptability of Aggression as a Predictor of Cyber Aggression" (2017). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1601.
Data is provided by the student.