Electronic Theses and Dissertations
The Brittle Deformation Sequence at Dead Indian Hill and the Heart Mountain Detachment, Wyoming, USA
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Earth Sciences
Committee Chair
Mervin J Bartholomew
Committee Member
Randy Cox
Committee Member
Eunseo Choi
The Heart Mountain Detachment in northwestern Wyoming is one of the largest terrestrial mega-scale gravity-slides. The emplacement followed the Laramide Orogeny and contemporaneous with widespread Eocene activity in the Absaroka Volcanic Province. Analysis of fracture-sets (joints and faults) from selected outcrops of Cambrian to Eocene strata provide a stratigraphic framework for deciphering the regional sequence of brittle fractures. Seven fracture-sets elucidated from ~1,800 fracture azimuthal measurements, depict a brittle deformational sequence of the Pre-Eocene Laramide Orogeny, Absaroka Volcanism and the Heart Mountain Detachment. Three fracture-sets define a Pre-Eocene 48o clockwise rotation of the stress-field associated with Pre-Laramide and Laramide tectonics. Four fracture-sets defined a 60o counterclockwise rotation of the stress-field in the Eocene associated with Absaroka Volcanism, the Heart Mountain Detachment and the collapse of the volcanic edifice. Angular and abutting relationships of the pre-detachment fracture-sets identify the detachment rotated 30o around a vertical axis as the volcanic system collapsed.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Ellsworth, G Graham, "The Brittle Deformation Sequence at Dead Indian Hill and the Heart Mountain Detachment, Wyoming, USA" (2017). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1681.
Data is provided by the student.