Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering


Structural Engineering

Committee Chair

Charles Camp Ph.D.

Committee Member

Adel Abdelnaby Ph.D.

Committee Member

David Arellano Ph. D.


Since the early twentieth century, the implementation of drilled shafts has transformed the face of foundation design of bridges and buildings (Grader 2012). These major components of foundations began in the 1920’s near the Great Lakes area of Chicago and have been competing with driven pile technique since the 1960’s (Coduto 2001). Currently, drilled shafts are more implemented with major bridge constructions and building projects (Brown 2007). With the popularity of both drilled shafts and driven piles, each come with a set of advantages for each. Drilled shafts appear to be the most cost effective option to operate the equipment necessary for completion, and they give the ability to change the diameter or shaft length to address the unforeseen changes in soil conditions which are be monitored during the drilling process. Drilled shaft processes have demonstrated the ability to penetrate through soils containing cobbles and boulders and thus give the ability to be socketed into bedrock. During the construction process, drilled shafts reduce the high noise level and vibration compared to that with driven piles. Driven piles, however, have some advantages; for example, driven piles allow for consolidation of soils laterally along the pile length and the tip together. This consolidation allows for the increase in the effective stress of the soil, that can increase skin friction and end bearing factors. The driven piles also give redundancy to the foundation system; where drilled shafts may have one massive pile, a driven pile system will have many piles (Coduto 2001). While using the considerations and ideas mentioned previously, the purpose of this study is to use a soil-pile interaction with a non-linear finite element model in connection with an advanced optimization method with which to develop the most economical drilled shaft design. The application of a non-linear finite element model in consideration with an advanced optimization method and various FORTRAN coded soil characterizations has not been determined to be the best economical drilled shaft design. Therefore, this study required a different direction and consideration than was used before. Also, this report does not reflect long-term analysis of drilled shafts. However, a short-term analysis is considered to be the controlling condition. A long-term analysis of the drilled must be completed to determine the critical condition.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
