Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engr
Computer Engineering
Committee Chair
Bonny Banerjee
Committee Member
Madhusudhanan Balasubramanian
Committee Member
Aaron L Robinson
Realistic synthesis of human actions is a challenging problem. This thesis investigates the problem of synthesizing actions, with individual variability, under different emotions. Current actions/gesture synthesis, understanding and recognition models do not provide a general framework for synthesizing an extensive range of actions over a large range of emotions.The literature on spectral style transfer provides a plethora of viable approaches for transferring the style of action learned from one individual to another. Our idea is to consider an emotion as a style then use a style transfer algorithm for transferring an emotion from one action to another. This allows us to synthesize any action over a large range of emotions. Experiments reported in this thesis are based on genarating18 actions with five emotions using the Kinect skeleton. The quality of the synthesized actions over time is evaluated through a subjective perception test, which is a standard in the domain of gesture synthesis.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Deb, Mousumi, "Synthesizing Human Actions with Emotion" (2017). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1719.
Data is provided by the student.