Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Earth Sciences
Committee Chair
Randel T. Cox
Committee Member
Daniel Larsen
Committee Member
Roy B. Van Arsdale
The east-west striking Sugar Creek thrust fault, 40 kilometers north of Memphis,Tennessee, is proximal to the intersection of the eastern Reelfoot Rift margin and the Meeman-Shelby Fault. A quarry southwest of the fault exposes the subparallel Warren quarry anticline with an axial graben containing displaced Pleistocene loess. Surficial geologic mapping, and structural and borehole data interpretation were used to analyze the surface and subsurface geology in a 30 km radius to clarify the nature and timing of deformation. Results of the study include: (1) the Sugar Creek fault and Warren Quarry anticline are tectonic in origin; (2) the axial faulting within the Warren Quarry anticline has been active during the Quaternary; and (3) deformation of the Sugar Creek fault and Warren Quarry anticline suggest north-south compression that could be caused by a rotation of tectonic stess on the periphery of a positive flower structure.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Vanderlip, Christopher Aaron, "Eocene and Modern Stress Regimes at the Intersection of the Eastern Reelfoot Rift Margin and the Meeman-Shelby Fault, Western Tennessee" (2017). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1754.
Data is provided by the student.