Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Mechanical Engineering
Committee Chair
Ebrahim Asadi
Committee Member
Gladius Lewis
Additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing may be used to fabricate synthetic artery for use in, for example, coronary artery bypass surgery. Structurally, the artery comprises the intima layer and two other layers. Thus, we have suggested that a novel approach is to use different AM methods to fabricate the different parts of the artery and to devise a way to suitably join them. In the present work, we concentrated on the fabrication of a thin polymeric tubular structure that would mimic the intima. None of three in-house AM machines produced such a structure with the requisite thickness (0.074 mm). Thus, a novel device was designed to produce the aforementioned structure from a polymer solution. The combination of 15% polymer solution and rotational speed of the collector rod (a device part) of either 50 rpm or 75 rpm produced a structure with the requisite thickness and acceptable tensile properties.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Bhusal, Anant, "Additive Manufacturing of Biocompatible Thin Polymeric Tubular Structure" (2017). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1761.
Data is provided by the student.