Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Musical Arts
Committee Chair
Janet Page
Committee Member
Elise Blatchford
Committee Member
Michelle Vigneau
Committee Member
Albert Nguyen
Committee Member
Ryan Fisher
This study determines the content for a supplemental curriculum designed to improve musical literacy and musical expression skills using the Arkansas School Band and Orchestra (ASBOA) all-state junior high flute etudes. It addresses the first two steps (analysis of practical problems and development of possible solutions) of a Design-Based Research (DBR) project. The author intends to address the third and fourth steps (iterative cycles of testing and refinement and reflection and enhancement) in future research studies. A pilot study identified technical and interpretive deficiencies exhibited in nine (N = 9) student audition recordings using excerpts from the ASBOA etudes. A modified version of Saunders and Holahans Woodwind/Brass Solo Evaluation Form (WBSEF) was used to assess the recordings. The results showed deficiencies in the areas of tone, intonation, rhythmic accuracy, technique/articulation, and interpretation (primarily musical coherence). These results were compared to the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Beginning Band Curriculum Framework in order to determine possible modifications and/or additions to address the technical and interpretive difficulties found in the pilot study. The second step of the DBR process involves the creation of a supplemental curriculum framework designed to improve musical literacy and musical expression using Patrik Juslins GERMS model that explains the components of musical expression: Generative rules (G), Emotional expression (E), Random variability (R), Motion principles (M), and Stylistic unexpectedness (S).
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Amox, Jennifer Lynn, "Polishing GEMS: A Supplemental Curriculum for Developing the Musical Literacy and Musical Expression Skills of Junior High Flute Students" (2018). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1919.
Appendix B - Jr Hi B
Appendix C - JR HI C (1).mp3 (2421 kB)
Appendix C - Jr Hi C
Data is provided by the student.