Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Committee Chair
Joeph Lariscy
Committee Member
Sunah Laybourn
Committee Member
Wesley James
This study addresses how resource allocation of mobility-promoting organizations vary by characteristics of Tennessee counties. More specifically, I examine the variation of resources provided across urban and rural counties. Building on previous studies of mobility-promoting organizations, this study moves away from neighborhood analysis and updates to larger spatial units to a county level analysis. Including county-level data provides an opportunity to explore potential explanations for the observed regional variation in rates of poverty. Furthermore, this study analyzes aspects of disadvantage and organizational density. I utilize the Social Vulnerability Index and the Relative Rurality Index in combination with U.S. Census and U.S. Business Patterns data to describe Tennessee county deprivation characteristics. I categorize organizations into three service types: hardship, employment, and education; all of which are related to an individual’s well-being and prospects for mobility. My analyses use Poisson regression models to examine the association between counties’ characteristics and the number of mobility-promoting organizations, accounting for counties’ population sizes. Results: More urban counties tend to have a higher density of hardship and employment organizations, but not educational organizations, after controlling for social vulnerability.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Cowans, Dontarious Damarco, "Resource Allocation Across Urban and Rural Counties: A Tennessee Case Study" (2019). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1999.
Data is provided by the student.