Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Higher and Adult Education
Committee Chair
Barbara Mullins Nelson
Committee Member
John Megley
Committee Member
Michelle Stockton
Committee Member
Jeffery Wilson
Strengthening the association between education and communication is difficult due to the scarcity of educationally initiated research into the mechanics of communication. Most of the existing communication research is domiciled in the departments of sociology, psychology, anthropology, journalism and business. Many educators are satisfied in allowing other disciplines to conduct our communication research and are equally willing to accept their results. Better communication facilitates better education and learning. This study advances a theory and a model to accomplish that end. The Value Theory of Communication and the three dimensional Koerber Scalar Multidimensional Model of Effectiveness (KSMME) are explanations of communication. The Value Theory (hypotheses 1a) states that the higher the V (value) the more effective the communication in terms of its ability to relate information. The KSMME model (hypothesis 1b) is a mathematical representation used to calculate the V (value) and further explain the Value Theory. This research is intended to answer the following questions: do the three aspects of communication represented by intentionality, understandability and significance validly represent communication, and are these three aspects of communication reliable measures? A psychometric analysis was conducted on the Value Theory of Communication and the KSMME Model. Data was gathered using a panel of experts, and an electronic survey completed by 81 participants. Validity was tested using One-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, and independent t-tests. Reliability was tested using Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, and Kuder-Richardson Formula 21. Statistical results indicate that the KSMME model may be a reliable and valid tool capable of measuring and explaining the dynamic value of communication.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Koerber, Robert Conrad, "Determining the Value of Communications: The Development of a Theory and Three-Dimensional Scalar Model for Evaluating and Assigning Values to Communications Relating to Adult Education" (2011). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 204.
Data is provided by the student.