Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Civil Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
Committee Chair
Claudio Meier
Committee Member
Scott Schoefernacker
Committee Member
Brian Waldron
Committee Member
Daniel Larsen
Inter-aquifer exchanges due to breaches in the confining clay layer can potentially contaminate the Memphis aquifer, as lesser-quality waters permeate from the unconfined aquifer. Losing river reaches could indicate breach locations, as these should depress water-table locally, resulting in downward vertical exchange fluxes (VEFs) along nearby streambeds. A spatial analysis of seepage meter measurements performed along the Wolf River identified three potentially losing sub-reaches, where VEFs were studied at a finer scale, using multiple point-scale methods. Results were mixed, displaying large spatial variability, possibly due to mismatches between the process and observation scales. Differential stream gaging was conducted to assess losses integrally over sub-reaches, confirming one losing location; however, comparing groundwater river stages suggested gaining conditions at this location. Pinpointing losing reaches using point-scale methods is difficult due to the disparity of scales. Effective methodologies are needed that comply with the scale of the problem.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Pandit, Sagar, "Study of Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions to Identify Potential Aquitard Breach Locations along the Wolf River, Tennessee" (2020). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2143.
Data is provided by the student.