Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engr
Electrical Engineering
Committee Chair
Eddie Jacobs
Committee Member
Ana Doblas
Committee Member
Aaron Robinson
Committee Member
Lan Wang
Different types of 3D sensors, such as LiDAR and RGB-D cameras, capture data with different resolution, range, and noise characteristics. It is often desired to merge these different types of data together into a coherent scene, but automatic alignment algorithms generally assume that the characteristics of each fragment are all similar. Our goal is to evaluate the performance of these algorithms on data with different characteristics to enable the integration of data from multiple types of sensors. We use the Redwood dataset, which has high-resolution scans of several different environments captured using a stationary LiDAR scanner. We first develop a method to emulate the capture of these environments as viewed by different types of sensor by leveraging OpenGL and a mesh creation process. Next, we take fragments of these captures which represent scenarios in which each type of sensor would be used, using our scanning experience to inform the selection process. Finally, we attempt to merge the fragments together using several automatic algorithms and evaluate how the results compare with the original scenes. We evaluate based on transformation similarity to ground truth, algorithm speed and ease of use, and subjective quality assessments.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Watson, Thomas Pascarella, "Automatic Alignment of Mixed-Resolution 3D Point Cloud Data" (2021). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2359.
Data is provided by the student.