Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Mechanical Engineering
This study examined acoustic emission (AE) data obtained during intermittent static tension loading of progressively fatigued 4340 steel and 7075-T651 Al specimens with the aim of characterizing the AE fatigue damage information. AE data were collected using a novel loading procedure based on the Dunegan corollary. Results from 4340 steel testing showed a moderate correlation between total AE energy parameter and the number of cyclic loading cycles (N). Results from 7075-T651 Al testing showed a moderate correlation between the information entropy parameter andN.Asupervisedneuralnetwork(SNN)wasassessedtobe54.0℗ł19.1%accurateinpredicting N for 4340 steel specimens and 52.0℗ł19.2% accurate for 7075-T651 Al specimens. Overall, results showed moderate fatigue damage information from 4340 steel or 7075-T651 Al is contained within AE collected during elastic tension loading.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses and dissertation (ETD) repository.
Recommended Citation
Lumb, Rowan Thomas, "Analysis of Fatigue Damage Information Obtained from Acoustic Emission Data" (2019). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2385.
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