Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Committee Chair
Robert Cohen
Committee Member
Kristoffer Berlin
Committee Member
Kathryn Howell
Committee Member
Randy Floyd
The present research (N = 121) examined a) the stability of previously established, empirically derived profiles of forms of childrens dislike relationships (i.e., unilateral-received dislike, unilateral-given dislike, mutual dislike) at two time points (one academic year apart) and, b) the reciprocal, cross-lagged relations between these antipathetic profiles and a number of peer social competence measures (i.e., loneliness, peer optimism, self-perceived social competence, mutual friends, sociability nominations, and popularity nominations). The three profiles included a High Disliked profile (characterized by high unilateral-received and mutual dislike nominations), an Average Dislike profile (characterized by average dislike nominations across all indicators), and a High Dislikers profile (characterized by the lowest unilateral-received and the highest unilateral-given dislike nominations). Children were assessed as third and fourth graders (Time 1) and then as fourth and fifth graders (Time 2). Using an autoregressive cross-lagged panel model, results revealed stability in the measurements of the constructs, including both childrens most likely profile membership and social competence correlates, across time. Childrens Social Dysphoria and Sociable-Popular status at Time 1 predicted their most likely profile membership at Time 2, but childrens most likely profile membership at Time 1 did not predict any of the social competence correlates at Time 2. Gender only predicted childrens Social Dysphoria at Time 2 and was not associated with any other variables in the model. These findings suggest that the measurement of profiles based on childrens unilateral and mutual dislike hold over time and highlight indices of childrens social competence that are associated with this profile membership over time.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Recommended Citation
Barnes, Sarah Elaine, "Longitudinal Examination of Forms of Childrens Antipathetic Relationships and Peer Social Competence: An Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis" (2018). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2445.
Data is provided by the student.