Electronic Theses and Dissertations
The Educational Experience of Low-Wage Working Women Students during Covid-19: A Multiple Case Study
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Committee Chair
Wendy Griswold
Committee Member
Edith Gnanadass
Committee Member
William Akey
Committee Member
Eric Platt
The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study explored the impact of COVID-19 on the overall educational learning experiences of low-wage working women students during COVID-19 at an off-site campus. A feminist standpoint theory (FST) lens utilizing the community of inquiry (CoI) framework focused on the cognitive, social, and teaching presences describing the spring 2020 semester's change of course modality to online during a global pandemic. The research question that guided the study was: How did COVID-19 impact low-wage, working womens cognitive and social educational experiences while enrolled at an off-site campus?Five women were enrolled in separate courses at a university off-site campus and participated in semi-structured Zoom interviews. Interview data was transcribed and analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis of each womans particular experience. Findings include four themes about a sense of belonging. The first theme included how the shutdown exposed the widening digital divide creating belongingness uncertainty among participants after the shutdown. The second theme evidenced how professors built trust in online classroom climates after modality change. The third theme uncovered the women students functional peer supportive relationships. The fourth theme presented the self-efficacy impact through asynchronous learning. Participants described needs for creating stronger communication networks, paid internships for disadvantaged students, and a practical evaluation of school supplies in the new online learning environment.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Recommended Citation
Beam, Kayce, "The Educational Experience of Low-Wage Working Women Students during Covid-19: A Multiple Case Study" (2021). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2450.
Data is provided by the student.