Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Instruction & Curriculum Leadership
Committee Chair
Amanda Rockinson-Szapkiw
Committee Member
Anne Zachry
Committee Member
Christian Mueller
Committee Member
Vicki Murrell
Empathy and client-centeredness are aspects of professionalism essential to the effectiveness of occupational therapy services. As such, both are key components of the educational process of occupational therapy students, as highlighted by the integration of both concepts in the standards set forth by the accrediting body of occupational therapy education programs. Additionally, although a host of anecdotal accounts support the significance of empathy and client-centeredness in the work of occupational therapy practitioners, there is limited evidence in the literature supporting specific treatments in addressing either in the education of occupational therapy students. In response, an investigation was conducted of the effect of a narrative-account podcast on empathy and client-centeredness on occupational therapy students using an experimental, posttest-only control group design. Students in the master's level occupational therapy program at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center were stratified by year of study in the program. Participants were randomly assigned to either the treatment group or the control group. Following a five-week long treatment, levels of empathy and client-centeredness were measured in both groups and compared using the Kiersma-Chen Empathy Scale and the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale via post-test, respectively. Analyses were conducted using a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), with findings being non-significant. Implications and recommendations are shared to guide occupational therapy educators in facilitating in their students the development of these two attributes of professionalism necessary for effective client care.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Recommended Citation
Lancaster, Stephanie Bullard, "Something in the Air: Effect of a Narrative-Account Podcast on Empathy and Client-Centeredness in Occupational Therapy Students" (2019). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2631.
Data is provided by the student.