Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Leadership & Policy Studies
Committee Chair
Eric Platt
Committee Member
Donna Menke
Committee Member
Edith Gnanadass
Committee Member
Ladrica Menson-Furr
African Americans have been treated unequally and unfairly by the media. This issue deserves national attention while stressing the need for more positive messages of African Americans. The intent of this study was to examine how Black produced films, Hip-Hop songs and magazines portray the African American high school educational experience. The theory that guides this paper is critical media literacy. Critical media literacy provides an opportunity to evaluate, understand and critically analyze all forms of media. A qualitative content analysis was used to determine how African Americans are depicted by Black producers, directors and writers. Central questions worth exploring were: (a) How is the African American experience in high school portrayed by Black producers, directors and writers? (b) In what ways do film, Hip-Hop and magazines illustrate the usefulness of the educational experience for social mobility (financial attainment, career vocation attainment, and school attainment)? and (c) Do certain types of media portray the African American high school experience in a more positive or negative light? The results of the study show that African Americans high school students are often portrayed as violent, criminal, poor, uneducated, overly sexual and athletes in popular films, Hip-Hop and magazines. These negative cultural stereotypes remain a concern for many African Americans.Keywords: African American educational experience, critical media literacy
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Recommended Citation
Major, Christopher Jamel, "Media and Music: A Qualitative Content Analysis of the African American Educational Experience as Portrayed in Black-Produced Films, Songs and Print Publications" (2020). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2659.
Data is provided by the student.