Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Committee Chair
Randy Floyd
Committee Member
Elizabeth Meisinger
Committee Member
Thomas Fagan
Committee Member
George Relyea
Among contemporary cognitive assessments, the Cognitive Assessment System (Naglieri & Das, 1997) offers a measurement battery that is uniquely grounded in neuropsychological theory and aligned with cognitive and academic interventions. As such, it is asserted to provide data that can be used to optimize instructional intervention. This study sought to examine and assess the literature pertinent to the treatment utility of the Cognitive Assessment System. The first aim of this study was to coordinate and review the current literature according to treatment utility design models. A total of 252 articles were found from an electronic search and eligibility screening yielded 16 articles meeting criteria for qualitative review. Due to significant diversity of analysis and reporting across articles, only 7 articles were suitable for quantitative synthesis. Among viable treatment utility studies, the majority used an obtained differences design, examined Planning processes, employed a planning facilitation intervention, included participants between kindergarten and grade 8, and varied widely in intervention dosage. Sample size relevant to treatment utility outcomes ranged from 2 to 44 participants across studies. Although the majority of studies (k = 5) focused on mathematics outcome, they included smaller sample sizes. Studies examining reading outcomes (k = 2) included relatively larger sample sizes, but they were notably heterogeneous regarding intervention and aptitude of examination. The second aim of this study was to determine the overall treatment utility magnitude of the Cognitive Assessment System. A random effects model was employed to determine the overall treatment utility effect across 114 participants apportioned to 14 groups and comprising 8 comparisons. A higher magnitude of effects was observed in studies examining reading outcomes. Due to the restricted number of studies that were suitable for quantitative analysis, as well as low within-study sample sizes, the overall summary effect size estimate evidenced significant imprecision and prohibited reliable conclusions regarding overall treatment utility. Assessment of between-study heterogeneity and moderator analysis were not possible. Overall, this study finds there is not currently sufficient evidence that can reliably substantiate the treatment utility of the Cognitive Assessment System for academic interventions.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Embargoed unitl 4/10/2025
Recommended Citation
McNulty, Richard J., "Evaluating the Treatment Utility of the Cognitive Assessment System: A Meta-analysis of Reading and Mathematics Outcomes" (2021). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2933.
Data is provided by the student.