Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Counseling Psychology

Committee Chair

Rosie Davis

Committee Member

Sara K Bridges

Committee Member

Pamela A Cogdal

Committee Member

Kade Hiestand


Nonbinary individuals have long been underrepresented in eating disorder research despite gender minority risk factors that place them at higher risk for gender-based discrimination, which impacts mental health outcomes including eating disorder pathology. Nonbinary individuals often present themselves in such a way that rejects body image ideals that may also lead to body dissatisfaction and gender dysphoria in relation to gendered expectations, which is a known risk factor of disordered eating. The current study investigated how body dissatisfaction, gender dysphoria, and misgendering predicted disordered eating behaviors in a sample of 130 nonbinary participants. Unexpectedly, body dissatisfaction was significantly and inversely predictive of disordered eating behaviors. Further, body satisfaction, gender dysphoria, and misgendering combined predicted disordered eating behaviors. Gender dysphoria and misgendering were significantly and positively predictive of disordered eating behaviors. While gender dysphoria and misgendering did not uniquely predict disordered eating behaviors in this sample of nonbinary participants, they are key factors to be considered in assessment and treatment of ED pathology. Additional implications of this study, limitations, and ideas for future research are also discussed.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
