Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

Committee Chair

Brain Waldron

Committee Member

Brain Waldron

Committee Member

Daniel Larsen

Committee Member

Scott Schoefernacker


The Memphis aquifer, an unconsolidated sand-dominated aquifer, is the primary source for public supply in Shelby County, Tennessee. Past studies on various wellfields have identified the presence of modern water (<60years) in the Memphis aquifer including the McCord wellfield. This current research examines vulnerability and susceptibility of McCord wellfield to modern water recharge and potential pathways using major solute chemistry, isotopic compositions, and hydrogeologic cross-sections. Results show that production wells of the wellfield are vulnerable to modern water recharge likely from the shallow aquifer connected to Fletcher Creek. The presence of modern water in Memphis aquifer and the evident water table depression near Fletcher Creek valley suggest modern water recharge through the probable breach east of the wellfield identified by previous studies. Geochemical inverse modeling predicts the mixing percentage within the range of 18 % to 24%. Binary mixing model using 14C data estimates mixing percentages up to 26%.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
