Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Committee Chair

Kristoffer Berlin

Committee Member

E. Thomaseo Burton

Committee Member

Randy Floyd

Committee Member

Robert Cohen


Objective: The current study developed and assessed caregiver perspectives of acceptability and feasibility of a family-based multicultural-orientation Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (FACT) intervention for use with adolescents with obesity pursuing bariatric surgery and their caregivers. The intervention aimed to increase adolescent and caregiver psychological flexibility specific to adolescent implementation and caregiver support of health and related values-consistent behaviors. The intervention was iteratively refined to enhance acceptability among families of diverse sociocultural identities while ensuring feasibility of its implementation during routine interdisciplinary pediatric weight-management clinic visits. Method: Adolescent-caregiver dyads were recruited to participate in two intervention sessions during routine pre-operative visits. They completed demographic, psychosocial functioning, and prospective acceptability surveys prior to the first session. Psychosocial and retrospective surveys were completed following both sessions. Therapist acceptability and FACT fidelity were assessed by interventionists during post-session audio-recoded conversations. Descriptive statistics were used to determine if a priori thresholds of acceptability and feasibility related to caregivers were met, and were calculated for all measures at each timepoint. Results: Using caregiver, clinic, and therapist perspectives of acceptability and feasibility, a family-based multicultural-orientation FACT intervention was developed for use with adolescents undergoing bariatric surgery and their caregivers. All families who arrived in clinic participated in the intervention, however completion of research surveys demonstrated some feasibility difficulties. Conclusion: Increased involvement of caregivers in interventions supporting adolescent bariatric surgery candidates is indicated. The current intervention can acceptably be used to fulfill this need. Future studies should assess further acceptability and efficacy of the BRAVO intervention in bariatric and other pediatric populations.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
