Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Musical Arts



Committee Chair

Kevin Richmond

Committee Member

Kevin Richmond

Committee Member

Scott Hines

Committee Member

Jenet Page

Committee Member

Artina McCain

Committee Member

Jonathan Tsay


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to provide intermediate and early advanced students and their teachers with a better understanding of extended piano techniques. These techniques are characterized by unconventional keyboard practices, including inside-the-piano string techniques, and auxiliary sounds. Students and teachers may have little knowledge about these unconventional methods, as one must learn to decipher new symbols and idioms. Therefore, extended piano pieces are not commonly performed or taught. This study can help teachers and students gain the knowledge to read and perform this music confidently. It will focus on performance repertoire since 1930 from a select group of international composers. Chapter one addresses the importance of piano students learning unconventional music and how extended techniques reflect changing musical values. It also summarizes the beginnings and historical significance of extended techniques and identifies techniques of extended piano pieces appropriate for intermediate and early advanced-level students. The repertoire discussed in this paper will be divided into two categories: late intermediate and early advanced. Chapter two focuses on special keyboard techniques, including tone clusters and sympathetic vibrations. Chapter three discusses string piano techniques, which include pizzicatos, glissandos, muting, and harmonics. Chapter four discusses auxiliary sounds. Chapter five addresses the problems that may arise with using extended techniques. This treatise includes my personal experience teaching and practicing extended piano techniques and provides an index to help readers locate pieces. It is my hope that this document will encourage performers to learn extended techniques and experience a new musical world.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
