Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts



Committee Chair

Michael Schmidt

Committee Member

Lucas Charles

Committee Member

Gary Golightly


Form-based design regulations and municipality codes intended for urban environments have become increasingly popular methods for planning and development since their emergence in the 1980s. Regulations and codes provide business stakeholders, developers, communities, and governments with guidelines and tools to produce reliably high-quality urban design. Signage takes on a prominent role in adding to or taking away from the experience of an urban environment. Form-based design seeks to alleviate this by creating uniformity and harmony within built environments. Studies have shown that most sign codes in America have not been updated in the last twenty years. Through document reviews I compare the existing sign codes of the city with signage that exists under its regulation. I assess the current state of sign code efficacy in Memphis, Tennessee, define signage design problems, and offer potential solutions with form-based structures in mind using a multi-tenant building on Summer Avenue as an example.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
