Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Art History

Committee Chair

Lorelei Corcoran

Committee Member

Joshua Roberson

Committee Member

Suzanne Onstine

Committee Member

Donald Holly


As there is limited archeological evidence of Libyan society from Libya, assigning a social identity to an individual living in Egypt during the Third Intermediate Period (Dynasties 21-24, ca. 1076-723 BCE) is challenging. Comparison of textual and visual themes across a range of artifacts will allow further investigation into a connection between Libyan social identity and kinship. Case studies will cover genealogical texts, including texts on stelae and block statues, to provide insight into their function and significance to the Libyan people. In addition to investigating a living Libyan social identity, the presentation of the social identity of the dead will be examined. The combination of royal and non-royal items intentionally selected for inclusion in the funerary assemblages of the Libyan kings buried at Tanis, with emphasis on the burial of Psusennes I, will support the idea that kinship played an integral role in a Libyan social identity.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
