Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher & Adult Education

Committee Chair

Eric Platt

Committee Member

Susan Nordstrom

Committee Member

Wendy Griswold

Committee Member

Eric Bailey


This dissertation shares the voices of five Black female student-athletes who have attended Division I (DI), Predominately White Institutions (PWI) in the Southern part of the United States. In the ongoing discourse of collegiate athletics and the context of southern institutions and their structures of injustice, one must hear the thoughts and feelings of Black female student-athletes. The purpose of this Black feminist narrative inquiry arts-based study was to explore the narrative of Black female student-athletes’, perception of value, soul value, in Division I PWIs in the Southern region of the United States. Through the method of participant-voiced poetic inquiry and Daughtering as an analysis, the vestiges of slavery were explored through the lens of commodification to understand the valuations that affect Black female student-athletes’ soul value. The findings revealed that the vestiges of slavery have an impact on Black female student-athletes before, during and after their collegiate experience and showed that in order to withstand the lengths of their eligibility, participants had to consider the ways in which their life was molded by the external valuations placed on them and their bodies, recount the vulnerabilities that were forced upon them, and remember the resilience it took to produce success for the NCAA institution (Berry, 2017; Evans-Winters, 2019).


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
