Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher & Adult Education

Committee Chair

Eric Platt

Committee Member

Allison Happell-Parkins

Committee Member

Eric Bailey

Committee Member

Steven Nelson


Dual enrollment continues to expand nationally, allowing high school students the opportunity to enroll simultaneously in college courses while earning credits toward graduation requirements. Despite the positive outcomes of dual enrollment, African American males remain underrepresented and less likely to participate. The problem addressed in this study involved the need to give African American males a voice to elucidate their experiences as they completed dual enrollment coursework. This case study aimed to understand the experiences of African American male students that participated in dual enrollment and transitioned to college upon graduation. The study was guided by two research questions: 1) What are the lived experiences of African American male students who participated in a dual enrollment program? 2) How do African American males who participated in dual enrollment describe their transition to college? This study employed Schlossberg’s Transition Theory and African American Male Theory to explore the transition experiences of African American males. Data collection occurred through interviews, a document review, and demographic surveys. Participants reported an overall positive dual enrollment experience. Findings from this study suggest that despite experiencing an unfamiliar environment, participants were portrayed resiliency and completed their dual enrollment coursework, and then seamlessly transitioned to college. This study contributes to the limited literature on African American males participating in dual enrollment. Future research is needed to understand more African American males participating in dual enrollment who transition to a four-year institution upon graduation.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
