Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher & Adult Education

Committee Chair

R. Eric Platt

Committee Member

Yonghong Xu

Committee Member

William Akey

Committee Member

Stephen Zanskas


While the internationalization of American higher education has seen significant growth in the past decade, little is known about the advisor-advisee relationship in American transnational institutions and, more specifically, at American-style institutions abroad. This quantitative study examined students’ expectations of and satisfaction with academic advising, and investigated whether students’ intercultural communication competence (ICC) predicted student satisfaction at an American-style university in West Africa. Research concerning international students in the United States provides an outline for examining academic advising abroad. Academic advisors play a vital role in motivating and empowering students. Cultural and academic challenges that international students face impact their advising experiences. The existing literature shows that international students lack an understanding of academic advising which creates confusion and, oftentimes, negatively impacts advising satisfaction. Additionally, studies suggest that preference towards a particular advising model are mixed, with elements of both prescriptive and developmental advising being seen as valuable by international students. The present study is guided by ICC which has been shown to impact satisfaction in advisor-international advisee relationships. With the expansion of transnational education, this study is timely and provides useful information geared towards student affairs professionals abroad. The current study found statistical significance for advising expectations based off of gender and advising satisfaction based off of number of yearly appointments, approximate time spent per session, and where students obtained the majority of their information.


Data is provided by the student

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
