Electronic Theses and Dissertations


Israt Jahan



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Committee Chair

Joseph Lariscy

Committee Member

Wesley WJ James

Committee Member

Junmin JW Wang


Sexual and reproductive health-related illness is a matter of concern in developing countries like Bangladesh. It mostly affects women because of their unawareness, lack of knowledge, and poor socioeconomic status. In poor communities and developing countries, another important risk factor for death and disability is unsafe sex. Proper family planning and healthy sexual and reproductive life can reduce mortality and morbidity of both children and mothers. Improvements in women’s socioeconomic status can increase awareness and knowledge about sexual and reproductive life and reduce health-related problems and death. Therefore, this study will examine the impact of socioeconomic status (educational attainment, working status, and wealth index) on reproductive behavior (use of condoms, use of pills, and sexual decision-making) among Bangladeshi women. I analyzed data from the 2014 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, a nationally representative survey of ever-married women ages 15–49 years old. I have analyzed data through multivariate logistic analysis. Results show that women’s use of condoms as contraception is significantly associated with their level of education, as higher-educated women are 19.82 times more likely to use condoms than women with no education. The richest women are about 12 times as likely to use condoms as the poorest women. Currently, working women are 19% more ok to refuse sex than women who are not working. The richest women are more than twice as likely to feel it is okay to refuse sex than the poorest women. The results are attenuated but remain significant even when controlling for women’s age, place of residence, and media exposure.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
