Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Higher & Adult Education

Committee Chair

Edith Gnandass

Committee Member

Wendy Griswold

Committee Member

Eric Platt

Committee Member

Glenn Anderson


Abstract Self-assessment is an emerging topic in ASL/English interpreter education that is being recognized as critical for students completing the degree-to-certification process and needs to be thoroughly explored. Using Scaffolding Theory and self-assessment drawn from Self-Directed Learning Theory, this exploratory, qualitative interview study discusses the importance of self-assessment in interpreter education. The purpose of this study was to explore how instructors in ASL/English Interpreter Education Programs are teaching students to engage in self-assessment and the types of Commission on Collegiate Interpreter Education (CCIE) required self-assessment they are teaching, product-based and process-based. Product-based assessment focuses on the outcome of the interpretation, while process-based assessment focuses on identifying why errors are occurring. Nine instructors from six different accredited Interpreter Education Programs across the United States were interviewed via Zoom. All of the participants agreed that self-assessment is crucial to interpreter skill growth, and they require self-assessment as part of course assignments. Although all of the participants taught self-assessment, only two taught both product-based and process-based self-assessment as required by CCIE. This study revealed key components for self-assessment as implications for theory and implications for practice indicated that teaching scaffolding and self-directed learning may help students understand the importance of self-assessment. Scaffolding is a useful theory in studies on self-assessment in interpreter education because it supports self?directed learning. It is recommended that instructors teach both types of self-assessment required by the CCIE and to use interpreting models to teach process-based self?assessment.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
