Electronic Theses and Dissertations


Jasric Bland



Document Type

Thesis (Access Restricted)

Degree Name

Master of Arts



Committee Chair

Beth Meisinger

Committee Member

MaryEllen McClain

Committee Member

Randy Floyd


Effective reading comprehension skills are fundamental in helping children successfully access curriculum area content. Without possessing these critical skills, the next stage of reading becomes increasingly difficult and is likely to impede overall learning. While research in this area is sparse, reading comprehension difficulties are common among autistic students. The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' perceived effectiveness of evidence-based reading comprehension interventions for autistic learners through an examination of teacher preparedness, current instructional use, and administrative access and support. Results indicated educators find read aloud to be the most effective strategy for this population, while cooperative learning was determined to be the least effective and used overall. Administrative support and professional development opportunities is an ongoing challenge for educators. Future research should consider the use of qualitative methods to gain insight into teacher’s perception, as well as implementing research practice partnerships for intervention development and educator support.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


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