Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Committee Chair
Tracy Bruen
Committee Member
Ruth Wallace
Committee Member
Irma Singarella
This narrative review draws connections between the scope of practice of Registered Dietitians and issues related to suicide risk. It covers literature on topics including nutrition science (divided into biomarkers, micronutrients, and microbiome), dietary pattern, food insecurity, eating disorders, and chronic illnesses. Articles were collected from three databases: PubMed, SCOPUS, and CINAHL Complete. They were then saved to a citation manager and screened, with additional screening being performed following export to Excel documents, with n = 61 being included. Altered lipid metabolism, thyroid markers, and fasting blood glucose may be associated with suicide risk. Diet composition, along with nutrient deficiencies, may be associated with suicide risk. Microbiome composition has been associated with variance in suicidal ideation, as well as depression and anxiety. Food insecurity is associated with suicide risk among adolescents and elderly, alike, and suicide risk has been found to be disproportionately higher among recipients of food assistance. Suicide risk varies among eating disorder diagnoses and behaviors, with denial of eating disorder behavior also being a significant factor. Suicide risk varies among eating disorder diagnoses and behaviors, with denial of eating disorder behavior also being a significant factor. Chronic illnesses are associated with suicide risk due to their negative effects on quality of life and functional ability, and economic instability and lack of social support further influence suicide risk. Further research should focus on further developing understanding of these issues and investigating the efficacy of RDN interventions with patients at risk for suicide.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.
Open Access
Recommended Citation
Fite, William Charles, "Prospective Considerations for Suicide Preventative Dietetics Practice: A Narrative Review" (2023). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3319.
Data is provided by the student.