Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type

Thesis (Access Restricted)

Degree Name

Master of Science



Committee Chair

Randy Floyd

Committee Member

Bryn Harris

Committee Member

Elizabeth Meisinger


Students that qualify as being multilingual have increased, and schools are encountering a unique problem regarding how to best accommodate them on state tests. In the past, most states used the disability taxonomy rather than multilingual-responsive accommodations with their multilingual students. The purpose of the study was to address pressing needs related to demographic changes, overcome limitations of prior summaries of state-level accommodations for multilingual students, and update the understanding of these accommodations. The study employed double-coding procedures to evaluate the number of allowed accommodations, including both universal and designated supports, for multilingual students. Results revealed that many states allowed more multilingual-responsive accommodations than in years past. Although some states allowed fewer accommodations overall, the majority demonstrated an increase in allowed accommodations, with some states offering more multilingually responsive accommodations than in prior years. Future research should continue to evaluate the appropriateness of the accommodations.


Data is provided by the student

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


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