Electronic Theses and Dissertations


Lady Moran



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Instruction & Curriculum Leadership

Committee Chair

Craig Shepherd

Committee Member

Andrew Taawfik

Committee Member

Kathryn Sharpe

Committee Member

Rhonda Gregory


Data reveals growth in online learning enrollment; additionally, university strategic initiatives and emergency response efforts include reliance on online education. However, the literature indicates that many who teach in post-secondary institutions are reluctant to adopt online education. There is a need to reduce existing barriers regarding online education and build instructor online teaching self-efficacy. A suggestion for increasing online instructor self-efficacy exists within the bounds of professional development. A qualitative explanatory case study was used to determine how the completion of the Quality Matters Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) workshop, a training rooted in best practices of course design, contributed to how an instructor builds their online teaching self-efficacy. Interviews with graduates of the APPQMR training, a workshop observation, and documents used within the training were analyzed. Results indicated that the workshop supports online teaching self-efficacy by contributing to the various sources of self-efficacy. It was found that the workshop increased participant knowledge of online instruction, which left positive impressions on online teaching and learning. Additionally, the knowledge gained from the workshop encouraged participant perceptions of their abilities to create meaningful online learning environments, set goals to overcome challenges, and revealed adept institutional support structures to promote participant achievement with online teaching. Institutions can use the findings in this study to tailor professional development initiatives in course design to support cultivating the online faculty.


Data is provided by the student

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
