"The Role of Skeletal Muscle Intrinsic Clock on the Development and Pro" by Jason Lin

Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Health Studies

Committee Chair

Melissa Puppa

Committee Member

James JC Carson

Committee Member

Chida CR Ramanathan


Cancer cachexia is a chronic wasting disorder characterized by severe loss of skeletal muscle that affects approximately 80% of cancer patients. Altered rest-activity is a hallmark of circadian disruption and is often seen in cachectic patients. It is unknown how skeletal muscle clock gene expression is altered with the progression of cachexia. We investigated skeletal muscle clock gene expression during cachexia. Tissue from ApcMin/+ mice (MIN) were harvested in the morning and evening and were analyzed for clock gene expression. Per 2 and Per 3 increased expression in the evening. Rev-ERBα showed decreased expression in BL – 6 mice in the evening. RORα showed increased expression in BL – 6 mice in the evening. BL – 6 evening was significantly higher than compared to MIN evening. In conclusion, circadian clock expression is altered in a cachectic environment. Understanding the role of the muscle-specific circadian clock could lead to therapeutic interventions to attenuate cachexia.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open access
