Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Musical Arts



Committee Chair

William Shaltis

Committee Member

Albert Nguyen

Committee Member

Scott Hines

Committee Member

Jack Cooper

Committee Member

Kenneth Kreitner


The purpose of this dissertation is to discuss the contributions to steel pan literature by Andy Akiho, a biographical sketch of him, and to create a performance practice of his Synesthesia Suite. Information regarding the other types of steel pans—double seconds, double tenors, cellos/cello guitars, and basses—will be addressed briefly, such as the ease or difficulty performing the Synesthesia Suite on these instruments. Nonetheless, the C-lead tenor pan will be the primary instrument discussed in this document. This dissertation will also examine the experiences that Andy Akiho has with his form of synesthesia and how it has influenced his compositional style. Synesthesia and Chromesthesia (a sub form of synesthesia) will be considered with the purpose of connecting Akiho’s synesthetic experiences with his compositional techniques in developing the Synesthesia Suite. The final objective of this research is to analyze and compare the works of the Synesthesia Suite by Andy Akiho considering melody, harmony, form, rhythm, and performance techniques which will assist the performer in learning these works efficiently. This research is informed by the interviews with Andy Akiho.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open access
