Electronic Theses and Dissertations


Xiaohan Chen



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical & Computer Engineering

Committee Chair

Bonny Banerjee

Committee Member

James McGinnis

Committee Member

Peter Lau


As of November 2021, more than five million people have died worldwide due to COVID-19. In this thesis, we consider a multilinear regression model to identify a small set of novel factors associated with COVID-19 death rate in 168 countries. From well-established sources, we collected data on eight factors encompassing death rate, physical and mental health, and economic and political status. Upon satisfying the assumptions, the multilinear regression model selected three out of the eight factors: obesity level, global freedom score, and per capita nominal GDP. While obesity has been identified by other studies as a risk factor for COVID-19 death, the other two selected factors are novel and associate the attitude and lifestyle of people of different countries with COVID-19 death rate. This association may help governments to devise policies to mitigate the spread of infection due to COVID-19 as well as other pandemics.


Data is provided by the student.”

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Embargoed until 12/14/2023
