Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Chair

Ali Fatemi

Committee Member

Amir Hadadzadeh

Committee Member

Reza Molaei


Additive Manufacturing (AM) Technology has improved over the decades, and its usage has significantly increased in recent years. The defects in AM parts have always been a major point of concern. There exist several post-processing techniques to improve the quality of AM parts. Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is gaining attention as an effective technique but is quite expensive. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate LSP as a post-processing technique and weigh its benefits as an improvement over the existing technology to increase fatigue life and comprise other advantages. It is widely known that LSP induces compressive residual stress in a part, subsequently improving the component's fatigue performance. LSP also affects surface roughness, pore reduction, and internal defects of fabricated components. The existing literature has quite a few numbers of sample data that show the effect of LSP on fatigue life, along with their induced residual stress measurement. Modeling the fatigue life of these samples considering several mean stress models has been applied in this study. In this study, the focus is on the result of applying LSP in the field of AM, evaluating its effects, how they can affect the fatigue performance and the overall surface protection of the part, and finally the modeling of the fatigue life using mean stress models.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Embargoed until 10/3/2024
