Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Business Administration
Committee Chair
George Deitz
Committee Member
Subash Jha
Committee Member
Sabatino Silveri
Committee Member
Robert Thieme
Innovation and related investment are key to a firm’s ability to survive and experience continued growth. Understanding how that investment translates to a firm’s performance continues to be a key area of focus for strategy researchers. Utilizing a measure developed in the management literature (RQ) that seeks to better understand how R&D translates to firm performance, this study examines the moderating effects of contextual variables (the CEO/TMT pay gap, munificence, and dynamism) that impact this relationship. The results support that the pay gap has a positive effect on the innovation–firm performance relationship while low munificence and high dynamism both acted as suppressors. There is no question that innovation is important, not only for firm growth but for overall economic growth. The literature is replete with studies that examine the drivers of innovation, but very few examine product-market choice as one of those drivers. This study utilizes data generated from high-technology software manufacturers as well as data from the Hoberg-Phillips Data Library to examine the relationship between product-market strategies (differentiation and vertically integrated product line) and innovation productivity. Our results offer support that product-market strategy can have a bolstering effect (vertically integrated product line) or a suppressing effect (differentiation). Product market density and strategic execution were found to have positive effects on the relationship.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Open Access
Recommended Citation
Houston, Michael Steve, "Dancing in the Dark: Essays Concerning Innovation Productivity" (2023). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3472.
Data is provided by the student.