Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Musical Arts



Committee Chair

Mahir Cetiz

Committee Member

Kamran Ince

Committee Member

Albert Nguyen

Committee Member

Jeremy Orosz


Sacred Beast is a set of three character pieces for wind ensemble. I wanted to capture a wide range of emotions with this work; most specifically, those of excitement, mystery, fury, and mourning. The end result is a raucous balance of deference and violence. I made a conscious effort to develop ideas which suit the wind ensemble’s vast timbral capabilities as well as fill the large spaces in which it would be performed. Movement I: Vulture. This is the longest movement of the piece and broadly consists of two core ideas. The first is a texture of overlapping ostinati and melodic fragments presented by the low brass. Flutes and marimba flutter above, imitating flight, while the clustering harmonic structures wax and wane in imitation of a synthesizer pad using a delay pedal. The second section is largely aleatoric, constructed of tinkering sounds and wind, with a mournful baritone saxophone melody atop. Movement II: Prophetess. This movement is by far the most reverent of the set, and also the most melodically-driven. A swirling, disorienting opening overwhelms the senses before gradually giving way to delicate clarity. Scenes melt into each other before the long introduction finally finishes and the primary material can enter. Devoted lyricism is periodically interrupted by meditative sections of pulsating clusters. Movement III: Chimera. The finale is furious, energized, and upsetting. Ideas rapidly mutate until they find a shape stable enough to stick around. True to its name, the chimera combines elements of the previous two movements, although they are generally distorted beyond easy recognition. Some bits pop in briefly while others are thoroughly transformed into foundational elements.


Data is provided by the student.”

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
