Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Civil Engineering
Committee Chair
Michalis Gkolias
Committee Member
Sabyasachee Mishra
Committee Member
Paul Palazolo
Committee Member
Charles Camp
Committee Member
Saharidis Giorgios
The scope of this research is to benchmark the various parameters that affect the implementation of truck platoon concept and the quantification of (any) monetary savings under the assumption that technological advancements and new or updated infrastructure (e.g., dedicated truck corridors) will allow implementation. Cost savings considered in this research are easily verifiable as they are solely derived from driver compensation savings (i.e., fuel savings, emissions reduction, and insurance savings are not considered). At this direction, they are proposed two platoon scheduling problems. The initial mathematical model considers a restrictive case of truck platooning (a.k.a. Caravanning Network Problem), where all trucks must form caravans to reach the destination. Additionally, a hybrid truck platoon scheduling problem (a.k.a. Capacitated Hybrid Truck Platooning Network Problem) is developed, where a truck is given the option to not participate in a caravan and follow the traditional shortest origin-destination path. The proposed models further consider monetary penalties from truck late arrivals at the destinations. Multiple network instances are developed and used to evaluate the proposed models. Results indicate that significant cost savings can be achieved from the platooning network when compared to the shortest path origin-destination counterpart and suggest that the optimal hybrid truck platoon capacity is between four and six.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.
Open Access
Recommended Citation
Liatsos, Vasileios, "Hybrid Truck Platooning Network Design" (2024). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3491.
Data is provided by the student.