Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

Committee Chair

Claudio Meier

Committee Member

Stephanie S Ivey

Committee Member

Holly K Enlow


Knowing discharge in real-time is important for the operation of features like locks and dams, or for river forecasting. However, only river stage can be measured regularly, with a high enough frequency to effectively monitor conditions in real-time, so methods are needed to compute discharge based on observed stage. There are two common approaches for calculating real-time discharge: the rating curve and slope-area methods. A modified hybrid approach, developed by Hunt et al., combined with the Jones formula for calculating unsteady flow discharge, was tested to estimate discharges on the Lower Mississippi River, USA, at Hickman, KY; Memphis, TN; and Helena, AR. The mean percent difference between predicted and measured discharges for a single verification period among all three locations was as low +/- 0.5% and as high as +/- 8%. The model’s performance is decreased at gages with complex stage-roughness-slope behavior or at gages with irregularities in the cross-section.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
