Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Instruction & Curriculum Leadership

Committee Chair

Andrew Tawfik

Committee Member

Craig Shepherd

Committee Member

Logan Caldwell

Committee Member

Brian Johnson


This non-experimental quantitative casual comparative survey study surveyed a sample (n=186) of public elementary (n=90), middle (n=69), and high school (n=57) school administrators (n=57), educators (n=62), and librarians (n=67) from 38 school districts across the state of Tennessee, regarding their perceptions of school librarians’ roles defined in the constructs of the Future Ready Schools – Librarian Framework. Results were analyzed via a one-way MANOVA and post hoc testing, and statistically significant differences in perceptions of the school librarian’s role were identified within the constructs of Use of Space and Time (p =<.001), Personalized Professional Learning (p=.025), Robust Infrastructure (p=.007), and Budget & Resources (p=.020). Statistical significance within these constructs is prevalent amongst comparison groups including the school librarian's role. Educators/teachers scored fulfillment perception higher than administrators and school librarians across all constructs. In contrast, school librarians scored fulfillment perception lower than other groups across all constructs, regardless of whether statistically significant results were found. Results implicate a need for changes to school librarian pre-service and future training to better prepare those entering and working the role to meet the expectations outlined within the Future Ready Schools Librarian Framework. Suggestions for future research and study limitations are also provided.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
