Electronic Theses and Dissertations


Jessica Reece



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Instruction & Curriculum Leadership

Committee Chair

Andrew Tawfik

Committee Member

Carolyn Kaldon

Committee Member

Logan R Caldwell

Committee Member

Kenneth Haggerty


The demand for colleges across the world to convert their courses to an online format has increased with the number of learners enrolled in at least one online course increasing each year (Seaman et al., 2018). Unfortunately, a study by Garris & Fleck (2020) found that many students complained that when their courses transitioned to an online format, the course content became less enjoyable, less interesting, facilitated less interaction, and decreased in learning value. As a result, research is sorely needed to guide educators in preserving the educational value of college courses in a progressively digital context. This study is guided by the framework of Michael G. Moore’s (1989) three types of interactions: learner-learner, learner-instructor, and learner-content. Moore’s theory states that learners should be able to interact with one another, their instructors, and with the content to achieve success, satisfaction, and motivation within the course. The purpose of this quantitative causal comparative study is to examine to what extent a student's perceptions of interactions (learner-learner, learner-instructor, learner-content) differ from faculty in an online course at a community college. Participants will be selected using a convenience sampling method and consist of faculty teaching online courses along with students currently enrolled in online courses. Data will be collected in the form of faculty and student surveys to answer the question of whether faculty and students’ perceptions about interactions differ in online courses.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
