Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Committee Chair
Randy Floyd
Committee Member
Emily Srisarajivakul
Committee Member
Gina Caucci
Committee Member
Patrick McNicholas
There have been numerous calls in school psychology to evaluate representation across leadership positions in editorial processes. While existing literature provides insights into supporting scholars from marginalized communities in research and publishing, there remains limited study and public awareness of diverse representation on editorial boards in school psychology. To address this gap, three studies in 2023 evaluated major journal boards in the United States. Study 1 analyzed 636 names collected from board websites to estimate the representation of scholars of color, women, and gender minorities. Study 2 surveyed board members to estimate the representation of scholars of color, women, gender minorities, sexual minorities, scholars with disabilities, and multilingual scholars. Study 3 employed a survey of editors. Findings revealed that scholars of color composed 23% to 29% of board members as of 2023. Women composed 56% to 61%, gender minority groups composed 0.2% to 0.4%, sexual minority groups composed 11%, scholars with disabilities composed 23%, and multilingual scholars composed 16% of editorial board members. One-third of board members had two or more intersecting marginalized identities. Scholars of color made up at least a quarter of members at each service level (e.g., editor, associate editor, and board member), and representation of scholars of color ranged from 9% to 56% by journal. The variation in marginalized scholars’ representation across service levels and journals underscores the need to address barriers to inclusion, tokenism, and professional and social exclusion affecting recruitment, retention, and representation of diverse scholars on school psychology editorial boards.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.
Open Access
Recommended Citation
Fitzpatrick, Sequoya Anita, "Diversity Representation of Editorial Boards in School Psychology" (2024). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3594.
Data is provided by the student.