"A Theoretical Study of Feasibility of Alternating Engine" by Ehab Khalaf Atwa

Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Chair

Gary Qi

Committee Member

Teong Tan

Committee Member

John Hochstein


This study is an evaluation of a new idea of an engine "Alternating Engine" which should have lower mechanical losses, less vibration, higher mechanical efficiency and more torque than the conventional reciprocating engine. The name of Alternating engine came from the alternating parts "pistons" in a circle instead of reciprocating parts as in conventional engine. The Alternating engine has lower mechanical losses due to no inertia forces of the reciprocating parts as in the conventional engine that include pistons and connecting rods during a complete combustion cycle. Less vibration is due to a complete balance for the alternating parts. Higher torque at very low RPM is due to longer torque arm than the conventional crank shaft torque arm. The thermodynamic analysis in this study used an ideal gas model (air) for the working fluid. Sealing the sliding surfaces and parts remains a significant challenge but is not as challenging if compared to the Wankel engine.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
