Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy




Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

Eddie L Jacobs

Committee Member

Carl E Halford

Committee Member

Steven T Griffin

Committee Member

Alfredo Juan Ramirez


Imaging with submillimeter waves provides tactical military information that is not available with other imagers. Submillimeter waves reside in the 300GHz to 3THz frequency region. Submillimeter waves can penetrate many manmade materials as well as dust clouds. They are reflected by conductive objects and the human skin, and are absorbed by many harmful chemicals and explosives. Their short wavelength and the atmospheric transmission windows in their region facilitate high imaging resolution at standoff distances. Existing imagers are large and not portable. Real time imagers have yet to be demonstrated. In this work, two spatially selective devices for submillimeter wave imaging are proposed. The first is a spatially selective mirror and the second is a spatially selective mask; either device is compact. A methodology for image measurement and reconstruction that performs in real time is also proposed and illustrated. The devices are analyzed and their optimal and limiting parameters are found. Also, a design procedure is specified based on these parameters and other requirements such as the immunity of the image reconstruction to noise and the fill factor of the scan patterns. Two and three-dimensional electromagnetic analyses are performed. The electromagnetic theory of the analyses is presented together with the numerical methods used to solve the electromagnetic equations. The results of the analyses are presented. One of the devices was built in the lab and is described. The results from the device are presented and are compared with the results of the simulations.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
