Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engr
Electrical Engineering
Committee Chair
Mohd. Hasan Ali
Committee Member
Eddie Jacobs
Committee Member
Russell Jerry Deaton
Committee Member
Dipankar Dasgupta
The dynamic braking resistor is one of the effective methods to enhance the transient stability of power grid system. In this work, two new braking resistor models, namely, rectifier controlled braking resistor and chopper rectifier controlled braking resistor mod-els, using a single unit of braking resistor are proposed, and their performance is compared with the existing thyristor controlled braking resistor model. Comparison is made in terms of the speed indices, number of components used, heat loss, harmonics, and cost. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is tested through Matlab/ Simulink simu-lations considering both temporary and permanent faults in power system. Simulation results for all braking resistor models are compared and analyzed. The performance of the proposed models is comparable to the existing braking resistor model. Therefore, the proposed braking resistor models can be considered as an alternative to the existing BR model for improving the transient stability of power systems.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Saluja, Riya, "Transient Stability Enhancement of Electric Power Grid by Novel Braking Resistor Models" (2013). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 669.
Data is provided by the student.